Rep. Crenshaw: Federal government should be using FEMA resources to bolster testing sites
Fox News
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said on 'Fox & Friends' Thursday that the Biden administration should be using FEMA resources to aid testing sites after the president admitted to a shortage of coronavirus testing.
DAN CRENSHAW: Well, we’d love to be able to give you better news but the reality is Congress has already appropriated tens of billions of dollars to this specific problem, right now it’s a management problem. The executive branch is not executing these dollars in an efficient manner. That’s what’s going on, and again, look. I’m a conservative. I always make sure people know, there is only so much the government can do, and the moment that it starts doing more than it should be doing, you start to see unintended second and third-order consequences that harm everybody worse than you wanted to.
So what the federal government should be doing, again, using their FEMA resources to bolster a lot of these testing sites, open up new testing sites. This is what we saw happen during the Trump administration. They should be using our resources to increase those supply chains to get those monoclonal antibodies out to people faster, and President Biden announced this - we just haven’t seen results from it, helping us get more healthcare workers from the military or from FEMA to aid in some of these hospitals that are feeling a little bit overwhelmed.