Regina boy experiences severe complications, cardiac arrest due to RSV
A Regina family wants to raise awareness about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) after their one-year-old son experienced severe complications due to the illness.
A Regina family wants to raise awareness about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) after their one-year-old son experienced severe complications due to the illness.
Barrett Temple caught what seemed like a common cold in late November. He had a bit of a cough, mucous and an on-again-off-again fever, according to his dad, Matt Temple. Those symptoms lasted a few days.
“Then he just kind of turned. We started noticing his fingers started getting a little blue and his lips started to get a little blue and that’s when we just instantly went to the hospital,” Temple said.
While in the emergency department, Barrett went into cardiac arrest. He and his mother, Kayla Jakubowski, were airlifted to Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital in Saskatoon. Temple and Jakubowski have been there with Barrett ever since.
“It’s been a slow process but that’s exactly what he needs,” Temple said.
“His breathing is a lot better and a lot more under control. They’re hoping in 24 hours, the breathing tubes and everything should be able to come out and that’s when he can really start the recovery on his own.”
Doctors diagnosed Barrett with RSV and Influenza H.