‘Reclaiming the land’: Indigenous fight against Line 3 ramps up
Al Jazeera
Protests against Line 3 pipeline are part of a larger movement to reclaim Indigenous land and culture in Canada and US.
Earlier this month, on a hot day amid a statewide drought, thousands of people marched with banners along a Minnesota highway near the Mississippi headwaters, where the river begins its 4,000 kilometre (2,500 mile) journey to the Gulf of Mexico. It is also where Canadian company Enbridge plans to bury the Line 3 pipeline. The project, the largest in Enbridge’s history, would replace a 1,700-kilometre (1,000-mile) oil pipeline that runs from Edmonton, Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin – and for years, it has drawn Indigenous opposition over concerns that it will contribute to climate change and infringe on treaty rights.More Related News