RCMP not keeping ghost guns statistics as more of them turn up at crime scenes
Global News
The issue seems to have taken on an urgency as ghost guns get easier to make and the sheer volume of new guns makes them harder to trace.
Even as the technology to produce so-called “ghost guns” becomes less expensive and more widespread, the RCMP is not keeping records on how often the weapons are used in crimes across the country.
Ghost guns are firearms without serial numbers that are assembled from individual parts or 3D printers. They are easy to make and hard to trace, and are increasingly showing up at crime scenes in Canada and the United States.
The RCMP doesn’t have a database on 3D guns, printers or how many shootings there have been with the weapons. The force said in an email it has laid charges in several cases in which 3D guns were seized, but it didn’t give numbers.
“This presence is consistent with national and international trends observed, where privately made firearms are being used in criminal activity,” the email said. It noted that 3D print files exist capable of creating a range of firearms, including assault rifles.
The RCMP said they are aware “anecdotally” of several ghost gun seizures in Canada, but they “do not collect statistics on this.”
Blake Brown, a history professor at Saint Mary’s University who studies the history of firearms control in Canada, said national and regional statistics should be kept on how many of the 3D-printed weapons are seized and from what areas. He said the lack of data inflames the gun debate and makes it harder for people to agree on the basic facts.
“With most handguns, if police want to work at it, they can usually trace them – even back to the United States or Europe, wherever they’re made,” Brown said in a recent interview. “But with these (ghost guns), they could change hands multiple times. It can be very, very difficult to figure out where they originated.”
He suggested ghost gun manufacturers and distributors might be discouraged if they faced stiffer criminal penalties.