RCMP conducting check stops for National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day
On Saturday Alberta RCMP will be conducting check stop in support of National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, helping prevent drinking and driving.
On Saturday Alberta RCMP will be conducting check stop in support of National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, helping prevent drinking and driving.
“This December, and always, remember to enjoy the holidays responsibly. If you are attending a party, make sure you have a sober ride home, or a safe place to spend the night” said Sgt. Darrin Turnbull.
According to Turnbull, approximately a quarter of the 233 fatal collisions Alberta RCMP responded to involved drugs or alcohol.
“Alberta RCMP also removed 7,573 impaired drivers from Alberta roadways, that’s the equivalent of more than 20 impaired drivers per day,” said Turnbull.
Alberta RCMP are reminding drivers:
"Impaired driving is still a leading criminal cause of death in Canada," said National President of Mother Against Drinking Driving (MADD) Tanya Hansen Pratt.
Hansen Pratt says there is always an uptick during the holiday season as “people are celebrating."