Rationing, engineering help Tofino dodge Stage 4 water restrictions amid drought
Global News
Earlier this month, the District of Tofino warned that water levels in its reservoirs had hit historic lows and it may need to implement its most extreme level of restrictions.
One of B.C.’s most popular tourist destinations is breathing a sigh of relief, as it stands down from the precipice of extreme water restrictions.
Earlier this month, the District of Tofino warned that water levels in its reservoirs had hit historic lows, and that it may need to implement Stage 4 restrictions.
Those would have strictly limited water use to drinking and sanitation purposes only, another hurdle in an already bumpy summer tourism season marred by wildfire-related road closures.
In an effort to avoid those restrictions, the district issued a plea to residents and businesses to further cut back on water use.
Those efforts, along with some innovative work by engineers, paid off, with water use falling by more than 20 per cent. On Thursday, the district eased its restrictions downward to Stage 2, rather than upward.
“We’re very grateful for all the work the district did in working with the chamber and Tourism Tofino, everything that all the businesses did, measures they put in place to try and conserve water, all the visitors that were very respectful of those conservation measures,” Tourism Tofino chair Sabrina Donovan told Global News.
“Obviously we were successful.”
Samantha Hackett, general manager of the Long Beach Lodge Resort, said businesses in the community took the warning seriously.