Rare Sarus Crane Confiscated From UP Man Who Saved It
Farmer Mohammad Arif revealed that the officials arrived at his home on Tuesday afternoon, and told him the bird could no longer stay with him
Rare Sarus Crane who was saved by a farmer from Uttar Pradesh has been taken away by the forest department on Tuesday, according to BBC. Thirty-year-old Mohammed Arif found the crane in his field last year and nursed it back to health. The man wanted the bird to fly back to the wild, but it never did.
Several videos of their unique friendship soon made it to the internet and went viral.
After the forest officials confiscated the bird, reports say that it flew away from its new home but sanctuary officials have denied these allegations.
Officials told BBC Hindi that the crane remained within the boundaries of the Samaspur bird sanctuary where it was taken. "It's not been confined to a room, but has been released in the sanctuary. It's finding food on its own, but we are also giving it wheat, bread and water," forest official Rupesh Srivastava told BBC Hindi.