Randall Terry on destroying the Democratic Party: 'I'm running to be margin of defeat ... in the swing states'
Fox News
Constitution Party presidential candidate Randall Terry discusses campaign strategy, economic policy, foreign policy at FreedomFest in Las Vegas.
David Unsworth reports on Latin America. You can follow David Unsworth on Twitter @LatinAmerUpdate
"My mission is still the same, and that is to make it a criminal act to kill a human being from conception until birth. For that to happen, you have to be in the political realm. You have to be a lawmaker," he said. "I am not going to win the presidency. I'm not running to win. I'm running to be the margin of defeat … in the swing states. Because I'm a federal candidate, I can run television ads 60 days from the election, and the TV stations are required by law to take them, so I can target Catholic and African-American voters in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania."
He dismisses the argument that he is likely to serve as a spoiler, taking disproportionately more votes from Trump in the election.