R. Kelly and alleged victim Joycelyn Savage’s engagement news raises ‘serious concerns’ from parents
Fox News
R. Kelly, born Robert Sylvester Kelly, is no longer on suicide watch following the jailed R&B singer’s sentencing in a federal sex abuse case, prosecutors said in court papers earlier this month.
Stephanie Nolasco covers entertainment at Foxnews.com.
"The family has not been notified of any such change in relationship status with Joycelyn Savage or Robert Sylvester Kelly," said attorney Gerald Griggs on behalf of the family in a statement sent to Fox News Digital on Monday.
"The family has serious concerns about the validity of such a relationship giving the proven allegations against Mr. Kelly," read the statement. "The family still seeks direct contact with their beloved daughter Joycelyn and hopes to make contact with her separate and apart from Robert Sylvester Kelly. They love their daughter and will continue to be in her life long after Mr. Kelly is not."