Quiz: Easy like Sunday morning
The Hindu
What has January 1 ever given us?
1. On this day in 1502, Portuguese sailors landed at Guanabara Bay, which formed the opening of a river. This led to them naming it ‘River of January’. The discovery of diamonds nearby elevated the area into an important port, which then became the capital of the country till 1960, when the country had a dedicated capital city built. Which city is this, and in which country?
2. On this day in 1739, French explorer Charles Bouvet de Lozier discovered a volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Named Bouvet Island, it lies 1700 km North of Antarctica, and 2600 km south of Africa. With a population of only seals and penguins, what geographical record does this island have?
3. On this day in 1772, the first document of this kind, which could be used in 90 European cities, was issued by the London Credit Exchange Company. It allowed the person signing it to make an unconditional payment to someone else as a result of having paid the issuer for that privilege. It was generally used by people on vacation in foreign countries before the advent of credit cards. What was this document?
4. On this day in 1773, John Newton, a preacher in Buckinghamshire, England, led his congregation to sing a hymn he had written titled ‘1 Chronicles 17:16–17’. Though he grew up without any beliefs, he wrote it from personal experience as through a series of twists in life he eventually became a preacher. It is now one of the most popular hymns globally, sung even for secular occasions. What hymn is this?
5. On this day in 1776, a General hoisted the very first version of this flag at Prospect Hill, called the ‘Grand Union Flag’. It had a Union Jack on the top left and 13 red and white stripes. Few months later, Betsy Ross, who had earlier embroidered cuffs and shirts for the General was asked to make the updated flag as we now know it. Which flag is this that is known as ‘Old Glory’?
6. On this day in 1801, Italian priest Giuseppe Piazzi by chance discovered Ceres which he initially classified as a new planet. Stretching 940 km across and found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter, what type of entity is it, of which it is the first and largest discovered so far?
7. Born on this day in 1863, Pierre de Coubertin was a French educator who was inspired by the subject of ‘physical education’ that was taught in English schools. Realising that ‘organised sport can create moral and social strength’, he set about forming an organisation. What did he start that oversees an event that brings the world together every four years?