Queen’s funeral set to be ‘largest farewell this country’s ever staged’: Royal biographer
Global News
The U.K. is currently going through 12 days of mourning following the passing of the queen last Thursday, with the funeral scheduled to be held on Sept. 19.
The funeral for Queen Elizabeth II is going to be the “largest farewell” the U.K. has ever held, according to royal biographer Robert Hardman.
The U.K. is currently going through 12 days of mourning following the passing of the queen last Thursday, with the funeral scheduled to be held on Sept. 19.
“What we’re seeing this week and what we are going to see on Monday is of an order of magnitude we simply haven’t seen before,” Hardman told Global National host Dawna Friesen.
Hardman is the author of Queen of Our Times: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II and has covered the British monarchy for three decades.
The last time anything like this happened, he said, was in 2002: the funeral of the Queen Mother.
“That wasn’t a state funeral, but still, more than a million people turned out to see her on her way down to Windsor,” Hardman explained.
Before the Queen Mother, there was the funeral for Princess Diana, who was killed in a car crash in 1997. The tragedy was felt around the globe, prompting “the whole world” to watch her funeral on television or elsewhere.
Still, Hardman noted of Diana’s funeral, “it wasn’t the end of a reign. It wasn’t the end of someone who’d been part of everybody’s lives for seven decades.”