Queen Elizabeth II funeral a historic day but not everyone was welcome: royal expert
Fox News
Royal expert chronicles historic day during funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. While it was a day for the history books, some were not as welcome as others to say their final goodbyes.
Here in London covering this historic event is something I will never ever forget, simply because we are all now living in pure history, and because of that, you notice things you may have not before. For instance, I was in the media pack on Saturday when King Charles III, without prior warning, turned up with the Prince of Wales, William, to thank all the people that queued for hours; a truly uplifting experience.
I mean, here is a man, son of the queen, having to bear his grief in public and without any thought for himself. William looked crestfallen, but again, true showmanship showed that both knew what the crowd wanted and what they had to give the crowd.