Quebec to cull nearly 300 deer in 2 national parks this winter
Quebec’s parks management agency (SEPAQ) plans to shoot 287 deer in parks south of Montreal as part of its plan to control animal populations and protect biodivesity.
Quebec’s parks management agency (SEPAQ) plans to shoot 287 deer in parks south of Montreal as part of its plan to control animal populations and protect biodivesity.
SEPAQ (Société des établissements de plein air du Québec) said in a news release that to protect the natural ecosystems in the Mont-Saint-Bruno and Iles-de-Boucherville parks, the white-tailed deer must be culled, as it was last year.
“The population control operation carried out in 2023 in the two national parks was a success,” SEPAQ said in a new release. “It was carried out professionally and efficiently, with a constant concern for public safety.”
SEPAQ said that in 2023, the deer cull reduced the number of deer from 25 to 17 deer per square kilometre in Mount-Saint-Bruno park in Monteregie and from 37 to 17 in Iles-de-Boucherville between Montreal and the South Shore.
The ideal number of deer for proper vegetation regeneration, SEPAQ said, is five to 10 deer per square kilometre.
The 287 deer will be shot by “precision shooters” by the end of winter and given to local food banks in the Monteregie, SEPAQ said.
Last year, SEPAQ said 14,000 pounds of meat were distributed for meals at the food banks.