QFR, a popular show that takes listeners down melody lane
The Hindu
What prompted Subhasree Thanikachalam to launch QFR ?
It began rather quietly on March 23, 2020 when lockdown was announced. The pandemic and it’s resultant quarantine kept people within the four walls of their house and most of them didn’t know how to keep themselves occupied and entertained. That is when the idea to go on a nostalgic musical trip occurred to Subhasree Thanikachalam. She launched QFR (Quarantine From Reality), a series that wove together timeless songs of legendary composers.
From a 21-day series on the digital platform it has now become a popular show staged across the globe. Completing more than 625 episodes, the QFR team is celebrating four years of its journey with a live performance in Chennai today.
Subhasree, who has in the past produced and directed several well-known TV shows such as Sapthaswarangal, Ragamalika, Margazhi Mahotsavam, Carnatic Idol, and Hariyum Nanum, launched this series to introduce yesteryear songs to the younger generation. Apart from authentic recreation of songs, she also shares interesting trivia about them. The series also offers opportunity to young musicians.
“I am happy that the QFR family is expanding with more musicians eager to be part of it. With each episode we are adding newer facets. I have a strong team to back me. We identify singers from across the globe, send them the track for them to learn the song, then comes the orchestral arrangement, every component is put together and finally, it is edited for presentation. It’s not as easy as it sounds,” says Subhasree.
The series is crowdfunded. And according to Subhasree, the best takeaway is seeing the audience relive the past through these songs. “I am overwhelmed by their response. This is what has kept us going.”
To commemorate four years of QFR’s journey on the digital platform, a four-hour live programme with over 40 musicians, will be held today at Narada Gana Sabha (6 p.m.). Tickets at bookmy show.com