QF to mark Ramadan with series of virtual activities
Qatar Tribune
Tribune News Network Doha Healthy living, education, scientific knowledge and the cornerstones of Arab and Islamic culture will all form part of a series o...
Tribune News NetworkDohaHealthy living, education, scientific knowledge and the cornerstones of Arab and Islamic culture will all form part of a series of virtual activities to be organised by Qatar Foundation (QF) during the Holy Month of Ramadan.Members of the community will have the opportunity to participate in an array of online events and programs intended to ensure the spirit of Ramadan continues even amid COVID-19 restrictions, as they enable learning, reflection and growth.âThroughout the Holy Month, QF will be offering a host of educational activities that are designed to be enjoyed by the whole family, and which reflect the true spirit of this special time,â said Mohammed Abdullah Fakhroo, executive director of Outreach and Institutional Advancement, QF.With the focus of these activities ranging from religion and culture to science and research, members of the community will be able to participate in lectures, competitions and workshops â all of which will be held online to protect public safety and wellbeing. Activities organised by QF during the Ramadan period are as follows:â Al-Saaâim Al-Sagheer 2021: An annual Ramadan activation organised by the Education City Mosque that aims to educate children about the importance of the Holy Month in fostering identity, knowledge, morals, ethics, and values. The daily Ramadan Roundup with Ilyas and duck animated mini-series will guide children along a path of self-awareness and self-improvement during Ramadan. It will run from April 12 to May 11 at 4 pm each day. â Asmaaâ Allah Al Husana: A programme organised by the Education City Mosque empowering community members to learn one of the names of Allah, The Merciful, The Beneficent, each day, from April 12 to May 12.â Muslim Scholarsâ Contribution to Human Civilization: A daily video from the Education Mosque, available from April 12 to May 12 on Instagram and YouTube.â Ramadan Healthy Program â Teach Your Kids How to Fast in the Month of Ramadan: Available through Microsoft Teams from 3 to 4 pm on April 12. â Design Post-COVID Humanity, Taaruf, Taawun, Tarahum: The final part of an educational programme led by Hamad Bin Khalifa Universityâs College of Islamic Studies will see a Ramadan Summit being hosted. Each day throughout the Holy Month, a speaker will give a talk about the values that are most important to them. It takes place from April 12 to May 12 at 2 pm each day. â Ramadan Healthy Program â Virtual Family Yoga Sessions: Available through Microsoft Teams from 4 to 5 pm on April 14, 21 and 28.â Ramadan Ladies Only Yoga Class (Harakeh): Organised by QF Community Development and taking place every Thursday (12-1 pm) and every Saturday (10-11 pm) from April 14 onwards. Registration is through the Education City App, where more details and prices can be found. â Ramadan FIFA 2021 E-Tournament: Organised by QF Community Development and taking place from 8 to11 pm every day from April 15 to 17. To register, click here or download the Education City App for free from Google Play and the Apple Store. â Ramadan Ladies Only Balance Class (Harakeh): An aerobics sports programme for groups organised by QF Community Development and taking place every Thursday (12-1 pm) and every Saturday (10-11 pm) from April 15 onwards. Registration is through the Education City App, where more details and prices can be found.â Ramadan Ladies Only Balance Class (Harakeh): An aerobic and anaerobic sports program organised by QF Community Development and taking place every Thursday (12-1 pm) and every Saturday (10-11 pm) from April 19 onwards. Registration is through the Education City App, where more details and prices can be found.â Fasting Safety with Diabetes: An online lecture organised by QF member Qatar Diabetes Association (QDA), available until May 20. â The Sira of Prophet Muhammad: Three online events on April 15, 22 and 29, from 2 to 3 pm each day, organised by Qatar National Library. Registration can be done online. â Ramadan Healthy Program â How to Stay Healthy in the Month of Ramadan: Family lectures available through Microsoft Teams with Qatar Diabetes Association (April 19) and the QF Nutrition Clinic (April 21), from 3 to 4 pm each day.â Interview with Mohamed Osama, Founder of Akhdar: An event hosted by Qatar National Library from 1 to 2 pm on April 22, aligning with World Book and Copyright Day, with the founder of a platform that provides creative summaries of bestselling books.More Related News