Putin’s nuke threat endangers some of America’s coolest technology
Fox News
Russian President Putin’s nuclear threat in space endangers all sorts of key American technology from a missile early warning system to GPS, which is part of much of what we do.
Now, I doubt Putin wants to take out all the 8,377 worldwide satellites in orbit, especially since some are Russian. More likely, he wants to threaten specific American systems. Here are three top possibilities, and they’re all pretty scary. Rebecca Grant is President of IRIS Independent Research and a Visiting Fellow of the Lexington Institute.
America exploded a 1.45 megaton nuke in space over the Pacific in July 1962. "Crime of the atom-mongers," wailed the Soviet Union. The experiment lit up the skies with sinister red and pink blotches and knocked out phone service in Honolulu, 1,100 miles away.