Public school board trustee candidate forum hopes to increase electorate participation in local schools
A Regina Public School Trustee candidate forum hopes to increase participation in governance at the local level.
A Regina Public School Trustee candidate forum hopes to increase participation in governance at the local level.
Friday night’s forum, put on by the Regina Public Schools Teachers’ Association (RPSTA) saw 10 trustee candidates from the various seven subdivisions answer questions and give their positions on various topics.
Most candidates at the forum agreed more consultation at the local level on all issues is needed.
“[We’ve] been asking the question, ‘What can we do to engage in the political process to make sure that the decisions being taken that affect our sector are representing our voices and sort of aligning with our priorities?” said Chair of the RPSTA Political Action Committee and teacher Nick Day.
Day added the idea stemmed from the challenges the education sector has faced over the last year, specifically during Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) negotiations with the province last year.
Historically, registered voter turnout has been low for school board trustee elections across Saskatchewan.
“It’s about 22 per cent,” Day said. “I hope [this] is the start of more democratic engagement in public schools.”