Protesters descend on Air Canada headquarters, demand Michael Rousseau's removal for lack of French
Angered at Air Canada's CEO Michael Rousseau's inability to converse in French, protesters descended on the company's Montreal headquarters with flags, slogans and a message for the company.
"Excuses aren't sufficient (Les Excuses Ne Suffisent Pas)" reads the slogan atop the call to protestors on the Facebook event page organized by the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society of Montreal.
"The Society Saint-Jean-Baptiste (SSJB) of Montreal is demanding more than an apology from the president and CEO of Air Canada, Mr. Michael Rousseau," the organizers say adding that they are demanding Rousseau be removed from the company.
The SSJB points out that Air Canada's Language Action Plan says the airline is proud to provide services in both official languages and is a leader among Canadian companies in promoting bilingualism.
"Showing no real leadership on bilingualism, Mr. Rousseau is going against his own language policy," the SSJB says. "As a unilingual Anglophone, he can no longer assume the position of President and CEO."