Protesters clash over weekly protests against health measures in downtown Calgary
Global News
Frustrated Beltline residents and a rally protesting government COVID-19 health measures came face to face at a downtown Calgary intersection on Saturday.
Frustrated Beltline residents and those continuing to protest government COVID-19 health measures came face to face at a downtown intersection on Saturday.
In a tense scene, close to 50 counter-protesters stood across 17 Avenue S.W. as the protest, dubbed the Calgary Freedom Rally, marched toward them and forced Calgary police officers to separate the two groups.
Nearly every Saturday, thousands of protesters are drawn to Central Memorial Park in the city’s downtown to rally against COVID-19 health measures. The demonstration is followed by a march that snakes through the streets of the area.]
Calgary Police told Global News it estimates around 1,100 people took part in the rally Saturday.
Police said one person was arrested after shoving a counter-protester, but no charges have been laid. It is unclear if the person arrested was associated with the rally.
People who live in the Beltline neighbourhood have been raising concerns about the rally, including noise and disruptions to local businesses and traffic in the area. Some of those people have begun to gather in recent weeks to oppose the rallies.
“A lot of people are getting sick of the constant noise and harassment,” Community Solidarity YYC spokesperson Hunter Yaworski told Global News.
“Ultimately, we don’t want this convoy going down 17 Avenue every Saturday… So far, police haven’t been able to do that for us so we’re trying to do it ourselves.”