Protesters call for charges against officer who killed teen in dressing room
ABC News
Valentina Orellana Peralta, a 14-year-old, was shot and killed when an LAPD officer opened fire on an assault with a deadly weapon suspect.
Protesters are calling for the firing or arrest of LAPD Officer William Jones Jr. in the fatal shooting of Valentina Orellana Peralta, a 14-year-old girl who was in a clothing store dressing room when she was killed.
"We cannot allow for these things to go unresolved," said Chloë Cheyenne, an activist and the CEO of social justice media app COMMUNITYx, who is running the Justice for Valentina website and petition. "Police officers must be held accountable for their bullet."
Valentina, a Chilean immigrant, was killed on Dec. 23 while shopping with her mother at a Burlington clothing store in North Hollywood, California. She was in a dressing room when Jones opened fire on an assault with a deadly weapon suspect in the store, according to officials.
The wall of the dressing room Peralta was in was behind the suspect when he was shot, police said, adding that Peralta was not in view of officers when the shooting occurred.