Prominent lawyer leaves Russia citing government pressure
ABC News
A prominent lawyer who represented both a former Russian journalist accused of treason and the team of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny has left Russia after authorities launched a criminal probe against him
MOSCOW -- A prominent lawyer who represented both a former Russian journalist accused of treason and the team of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny said on Tuesday that he has left Russia after authorities launched a criminal probe against him. A rights group that the lawyer headed has also shut down under government pressure. In a statement posted on the Telergram messaging app, Ivan Pavlov said has left for Georgia and drew attention to restrictions imposed on him as a suspect in a criminal probe. “I was barred from using means of communication and the internet, from talking to defendants and some of my colleagues. In a nutshell, I was prohibited (to do) all things without which the work of a defense lawyer can't be effective," Pavlov said. “The bans didn't apply to one thing — leaving the country. It was a sign pointing to a way out."More Related News