Progressive activist launches presidential bid to protest Biden's stance on abortion
Fox News
Progressive pro-life activist Terrisa Bukovinac said she launched a symbolic presidential bid to find justice for the unborn and give a voice to pro-life Democrats.
"In other elections, it's felt like a choice between one [candidate] or the other. It's never been that way," she urged pro-life Democrats. "You do not have to give them aid. You don't have to give aid to either candidate. But, this year, you have another option, and it is completely unacceptable under any conditions that we would give aid to a pro-choice Democrat. It is really Democrats who continue to give aid to these pro-choice candidates, even though they consider themselves pro-life, that are allowing this genocide to continue." Taylor Penley is an associate editor with Fox News.
The progressive activist, founder of Pro-Life San Francisco and Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), and former president of Democrats for Life of America, threw her hat in the ring last week to call attention to the issue and seek justice for the unborn.