Pro-GOP group takes aim at vulnerable House Democrat over infrastructure proposal
Fox News
An outside group that backs Republican causes is going up in the congressional district of what the GOP considers one of the most vulnerable House Democrats running for re-election next year with a new ad that targets the Democrats’ massive infrastructure proposal.
The spot focuses on a Maine restaurant owner identified as George B., who highlights that "to own the same restaurant that my grandfather started – it means everything to me." George B. then charges that "everything Nancy Pelosi is doing, along with the Washington Democrats, is wasteful, it’s socialism, there’s no accountability for the kind of spending they want to push. This fake infrastructure bill is really going to hurt hard working Americans. When I get taxed, it’s going to make things more expensive for me. It’s so frustrating to me because if they push this tax plan through, there’s a good chance I may have to let some people go."More Related News
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