Private partners considered to manage Saskatoon downtown event centre
Global News
A report to Saskatoon council Tuesday about the new event centre noted that city-owned event centres in other cities are starting to move to private contracted management.
A discussion about the management and governance structure of Saskatoon’s new downtown event centre was had by city council during Tuesday’s governance and priorities committee meeting, which could result in a private partner taking the helm.
Special project manager Rob Frank said they’ve already been approached by three private management companies that have shown an interest in running the facilities.
Four options were given to the city in a report:
Administration recommended the final option, noting that an Owner’s Representative was brought in, and recommended singular management for both facilities, adding that a provider with experience in the convention industry and venue management would create increased operational efficiency.
The report to council noted that city-owned event centres in other cities are starting to move to private contracted management.
Frank said more information will be coming next month with a district plan and guiding principles plan that can be used to guide several portions of this project.
It was noted in the meeting that there were many moving parts of this project that need to align with each other before more information could be given.
“Without knowing what potential funding we might get contributed from a private partner that’s a question mark on the funding plan,” Frank said.