Pride flags and other banners banned from municipal properties and lamp posts in Norwich Township
A new bylaw approved in Norwich Township will restrict the types of flags permitted to fly on municipal properties and downtown lamp posts.
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A new bylaw approved in Norwich Township will restrict the types of flags permitted to fly on municipal properties and downtown lamp posts.
The original version of the motion by Coun.John Scholton of Otterville, specifically targeted Pride and Progress banners.
In a procedural move that drew jeers from many of the 75 residents that filled council chambers, Scholton crossed the floor mid-meeting to quietly negotiate an amendment to his motion with Coun. Adrian Couwenberg.
Couwenberg was worried the motion could trigger a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Eventually, the amendment dropped any reference to Progress and Pride banners in favour of a blanket ban on any flags that don’t meet the motion’s limited criteria.