Priced out of rental market, Ontario senior lives in her shed
A Midland senior has resorted to living in her shed out of desperation
She can't afford a car, can hardly afford food and is completely priced out of the rental market. Now, a Midland senior has resorted to living in her shed out of desperation.
Debbie Lloyd has spent the past month living in a shed outside her rented Midland home and is locked in a Landlord Tenant Board dispute over mould found in her basement.
Lloyd said the issue first appeared two years ago, when she was told the issue would be fixed.
In 2023, she began to suffer from respiratory issues and medical challenges, confirmed in medical records obtained by CTV News.
Medical records revealed Lloyd eventually lost hearing in one ear and diagnostics confirmed she suffered from a "mixture of normally nonpathogenic fungi, suggestive of environmental contamination."
It wasn't until a heating repairman came to check on the furnace, that the presence of mould still in the home was confirmed.
"She (the landlord) said she was going to have it fixed, I believed her," Lloyd told CTV News. "But it made perfect sense now why my lungs were so bad, why my sinuses were so bad."