President Trump continues Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy as he works to bring peace to the Middle East
Fox News
President Donald Trump is continuing to build upon Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and vision as he works towards securing peace in the Middle East.
Rabbi Marc Schneier is the president of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and the founding and senior Rabbi at The Hampton Synagogue.
As I discuss in my book Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr. & the Jewish Community, King’s approach to peace was rooted in the belief that lasting change could be achieved not through force, but through the economic incentives created by cooperative efforts. King understood that the Middle East’s political stalemate could be broken by creating opportunities for Israelis and Arabs to work together—an idea that was radical for its time. In 1966, he proposed sending 5,000 American Christians on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, encouraging them to visit sacred sites in both Israel and surrounding Arab nations. King’s goal was to build bridges between these communities, promoting economic growth and cultural exchange.