President Biden to ABC's David Muir: 'I haven't given up' on Build Back Better bill
ABC News
President Joe Biden sat down for an exclusive interview at the White House with ABC "World News Tonight" anchor David Muir.
President Joe Biden said Wednesday in an exclusive interview with ABC "World News Tonight" anchor David Muir that he thinks "a significant amount of what we need to get done" as part of his Build Back Better social legislation will, in fact, "get done" -- despite opposition from Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin.
The House passed Biden's $1.75 trillion Build Back Better plan last month, providing significant funding for child care, paid family leave, education, health care and combating climate change. Manchin, of West Virginia, has held up its passage in the Senate and earlier this week said he would vote "no on this piece of legislation."
"Senator Manchin’s main sticking point, it would appear, is the Child Tax Credit," Muir told Biden during the sit-down interview, referring to Democrats' goal of continuing to offer parents an expanded tax credit after Congress and Biden temporarily expanded it earlier this year.
"Are you willing to take that out, if it means bringing him on board?" Muir pressed.