Premier Doug Ford supports region's plans to purchase Wilmot lands for industrial project
Premier Doug Ford says he supports the Region of Waterloo's plan to purchase lands in Wilmot Township for an undisclosed industrial project.
"A lot of smaller towns like, for instance, Wilmot, they need money. So what better way than than clear some land and create some development," Ford said. "I'm all for it."
The premier made the comments about the region's plan for Wilmot Township lands while he was in Kitchener on Thursday for a separate provincial funding announcement.
Ford said there are no plans for the land in Wilmot Township right now — but there soon will be.
"There's no companies that are waiting to get the land, but I'll guarantee you one thing: Anyone who [assembles] land now, companies are coming because we're in desperate need across the province of assembled land," he said.
When asked about his views of development on prime agricultural land, Ford said it's something for each municipality to decide.
"You have two choices here: You just say stop everything, let's not invite companies here, let's not build any more homes and let's stay stagnant. Well, guess what happens? You fail, you get yourselves in debt," Ford said.
"We want to build and we want to move forward. But there has to be the right area and I'm not the one to dictate what the areas the municipalities know know best. So we always take their advice."
When asked about farmer's concerns about having their lands potentially expropriated, Ford said that could have been handled differently.
"There has to be a willing host for these big companies worldwide that are looking to invest in Ontario," he said.
The region's plan has previously also received support from local economic leaders, including the presidents of local chambers of commerce, economic development, Communitech and Explore Waterloo Region.
The group, dubbed BESTWR, said in a statement that "it was important to hear [Ford's] comments regarding the land assembly process in Wilmot Township that will drive job growth and long-term prosperity."
The letter from BESTWR is being criticized by people who say farmland should not be used in this way.