Preachers talk about Christianity. Queen Elizabeth went out and lived it
Fox News
As we remember and give thanks for Queen Elizabeth and her long life it is clear that her faith was her lodestar. We can see what it meant for her to follow Jesus.
N. T. Wright, formerly Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, is now Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Among his recent books are "On Earth as in Heaven: 365 Days with N. T. Wright" (HarperOne) and Galatians, in the ‘Christian Formation’ commentary series (Eerdmans). His online courses can be found in the ‘Christian Formation’ commentary series (Eerdmans). His online courses can be found at www.ntwrightonline.org at www.ntwrightonline.org
The Queen’s response was robust. That Christmas she was more explicit than ever. The Jesus whose birth we celebrate, she said, and his teaching, have been my companion and guide throughout my life, and with his help we can go forward into another year. Or words to that effect.
I remember staring at the television in surprise and delight. She had preached the Gospel to an audience of millions. She had completely outflanked the fussy, compromised political correctness of the time, both by what she said and by how she said it.