Potential CPCK, CN railway strike is a 'huge concern' for Saskatchewan farmers
The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) is calling on all parties involved in Canada’s two major railways to ensure operations continue.
The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) is calling on all parties involved in Canada’s two major railways to ensure operations continue.
The APAS says with harvest around the corner, the risk of a dual strike from Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) and Canadian National (CN) is concerning for farmers.
"We market grain at times when we need the money and come fall we've spent billions of dollars in Saskatchewan to put the crop in the ground, and we expect to be able to ship our grain as soon as we start the combines," said Ian Boxall, president of APAS.
CPKC CEO Keith Creel said operations will likely grind to a halt due to a strike expected in the second half of August.
"We're far apart," Creel said Tuesday, referring to the railway and the union, which remain in disagreement over a new collective agreement.
"I'm just being transparent and honest. It's going to be a challenge."
Canadian National Railway Co., which also faces the prospect of a system-wide stoppage, made conflicting statements last week, saying it does not believe the situation will escalate to a full-fledged strike or lockout.