Pop Quiz: Why Is CGI Everywhere In The Film Industry?
Newsy's Christian Bryant and Casey Mendoza take a deep dive into the visual effects industry in a new pop culture segment.
Newsy's In The Loop is bringing you a new segment dedicated to deep dives and surprising stories from the world of pop culture. In Pop Quiz, we're searching for answers to questions about movies, TV, music and more.
NEWSY'S CASEY MENDOZA: I got the first question we're diving in today. Christian, why is everything at CGI? If you've probably already noticed how many movies and shows these days are filled with computer generated images, both good and bad. But the answer to the question actually reveals something kind of deep and dark about the movie industry, and I'm not talking about Tom Hooper's 2019 "Cats." Well, we looked into what's really going on here, and it took us all over the place from a controversial Oscars speech to VFX studios moving to the other side of the world to taxes - weirdly enough. Are you ready?
NEWSY'S CHRISTIAN BRYANT: As ready as I can be. Just to make sure I'm understanding, the question here is, why is everything CGI now? Why is it? Please tell me.