Police release name, photo of Fort Smith, N.W.T., suspect, believed to be armed and dangerous
Police are warning Fort Smith, N.W.T., residents that a 17-year-old suspect in a series of break-ins and stolen firearms remains on the loose and is believed to be armed and dangerous.
RCMP say an investigation is continuing into a series of firearm related offences and a sudden death in the community on March 4. Insp. Barry LaRocque told CBC News the 17-year-old is not a suspect in the sudden death and no cause of death has been released.
Police had previously not named the suspect, as is the policy when a suspect is underage. A Sunday morning news release named Drea Mcallister "in the interest of public safety." For the same reason, CBC has also made the unusual decision to name a suspect under 18.
"Drea Mcallister has access to weapons and is believed to be dangerous thus anyone having information on his whereabouts are asked to immediately contact the Fort Smith RCMP and not to engage with him directly," the release said.
In a news release, two warrants have been issued for Mcallister, one for assault with a weapon and another for breaking a probation order, RCMP said.
Mcallister is also a suspect in a series of break and enters on March 4, where a vehicle with a territorial government logo and multiple long barrel firearms were stolen.
A news release on the incident was also issued to communities in northern Alberta, including Fort Chipewyan, Fort McMurray and surrounding rural areas, to warn them of the police operation in Fort Smith.
LaRocque said police are unsure whether Mcallister has access to a vehicle.
Fort Smith was under a shelter in place order from Friday morning until Saturday morning. Officials warned residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Fort Smith RCMP at 872-1111 or Crimestoppers at www.p3tips.com.