PM Trudeau to name new cabinet in October, Parliament to return later this fall
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that he intends to name his new cabinet in October, bring Parliament back 'before the end of fall,' and implement the promised federal vaccine mandate as soon as possible. Chrystia Freeland will continue as deputy prime Minister and finance minister, Trudeau said, adding that he intends to have conversations with the rest of his cabinet picks in the coming days.
At his first major press conference since the Sept. 20 federal election, which saw Canadians hand the Liberals another minority, Trudeau said that he confirmed on Tuesday with Gov. Gen. Mary May Simon his intention to form the next government.
“We just got through an election where Canadians made it very clear the kinds of things they want us to work on, and I'm looking forward to getting into it,” Trudeau said.
While he has other key cabinet decisions to make, he has already asked Chrystia Freeland to continue as deputy prime minister and finance minister, which she has accepted.
The prime minister said that he’ll be having conversations with the rest of his desired ministerial roster in the coming weeks as he works to regain gender balance in his post-election front-bench.