PM announces 'first round' of sanctions against Russia, troop deployment to Latvia
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled Canada's 'first round' of economic sanctions against Russia for its recognition of independence of two non-government controlled Eastern Ukraine regions and the ordering of troops there.
Trudeau said the government is banning Canadians from all financial dealings with the “so-called independent states” of Donetsk and Luhansk and will sanction members of the Russian parliament who voted in favour of declaring the regions as independent.
The government has also approved a deployment of up to 460 Canadian Armed Forces troops to Latvia as part of Operation REASSURANCE to “reinforce” Canada’s commitment to NATO.
“This recognition is a violation of Russia’s obligation under international law and the Charter of the United Nations. Canada also denounces Russian military actions, including orders to move into Ukraine which is a clear incursion of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Trudeau said.
“Make no mistake, this is a further invasion of a sovereign state and it is completely unacceptable.”