Plea to President Trump: Tell Cuba to hand over terrorist killers it is harboring
Fox News
Fifty years ago today, the Puerto Rican separatist group, the FALN, bombed Manhattan's historic Fraunces Tavern, but no one has ever been charged in the attack.
It targeted a place where our nation was forged during the revolution and where George Washington took his leave knowing the future of his new nation was secured. Eric Shawn, a New York-based anchor and senior correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC), joined the network when it launched in 1996. He is currently the co-anchor of FOX News Live. Shawn is also the host of Riddle: The Search for James R. Hoffa on FOX Nation, FNC's on-demand subscription-based streaming service, which is based upon his extensive reporting into the appearance of notorious Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa.
On December 4, 1783, nine days after the British evacuated New York City, Washington held a banquet at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan to bid farewell to his troops.