Planning committee backs developer despite city staff objections to high-rise near Victoria Park
A dramatic reversal at city hall could reshape the future of Victoria Park and the Historic Woodfield neighbourhood.
A dramatic reversal at city hall could reshape the future of Victoria Park and the Historic Woodfield neighbourhood.
City hall’s planning department recommends council refuse an application by Auburn Developments to build a 17-storey residential highrise across from Victoria Park at 560-562 Wellington Street, but politicians on the planning committee rejected that advice.
“I don’t believe that a 17-storey residential building will harm the park, in fact I believe it will add to the vibrancy of the area,” said Councillor Steve Lehman as he put forward a motion approve the rezoning.
Since 2015, Auburn Developments has proposed building a highrise residential building at the northeast corner of Wellington and Wolfe Streets, gradually Shrinking the proposal from 25-storeys to 22-storeys, and now 17-storeys with 173 units.
The latest proposal has been reviewed by city planners who recommend council refuse the rezoning because:
“The Woodfield Heritage Conservation District and the London Plan prohibit this (development), so the motion on the floor right now is completely in the face of that,” argued Councillor Stephen Turner who visited the Planning and Environment Committee meeting as a guest.
“Approving this does not say everyone can just start demolishing buildings and build whatever they want,” responded Councillor Shawn Lewis to concerns that an approval would set a precedent for other properties around the perimeter of Victoria Park.