Petrol Pump Owners In Guwahati Call For Bandh Over "Unlawful Trade Practices"
The petrol pump bandh has been announced by North East India Petroleum Dealers' Association or NEIPDA.
Petrol pump owners in Guwahati on Friday called for a 24-hour shut down against alleged unlawful trade practices carried out by oil companies in collusion with the transporter.
The petrol pump bandh has been announced by North East India Petroleum Dealers' Association or NEIPDA.
"We are protesting against the practice carried out by the oil company in collusion with the Transporters, sometimes even using the Mazdoor Union in the habitual and whimsical cancellation of load and short delivery of indented products to the Dealers rustling in loss of our retail business," said Rajib Goswami, president of NEIPDA.
He said, "All concerned that the members of our Association, have been facing a difficult situation in carrying on the retail trade of petroleum products in their ROS, due to certain unlawful trade practices which are going on in violation of the prescribed norms and are outside the purview of any Disciplinary Guidelines that are operative in the trade".