Perseid Meteor Shower To Dazzle Skies Next Week. Here's How To Watch
The Perseid meteor shower will peak on the night of August 11-12, 2024, offering viewers a chance to see around 100 meteors per hour.
Next week, stargazers are set to get a treat as the annual Perseid meteor shower is set to reach its peak, known for its vivid display of "shooting stars," marking a summer-sky highlight.
While the December Geminids normally have higher meteor counts, the Perseids have one peculiar advantage: perfect timing. They usually appear early in August, which means that they hit the holidays and camping seasons exactly. It is one of the best occasions to do some skywatching.
This year, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower will be on the nights of August 11-12. On peak display, viewers could view up to 100 meteors per hour; this may be affected by moonlight. Though not as strong an effect as in former times, the spectacle is sure to charm the viewers.