Penn State to remove terms "sophomore" and "freshman" from course descriptions
Penn State University is removing the terms freshman, sophomore, in an effort to rid course descriptions and materials of gendered terms.
Penn State's Faculty Senate voted on April 27 to approve bill AD84 on Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy. The recommendations, which were given to the general Senate by the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs, were made to ensure all materials given to staff and students are inclusive, according to the student paper The Daily Collegian. The changes will replace all pronouns in course materials and descriptions with they/them/theirs and use non-gendered terms like student or staff instead. Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior will be replaced with first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year students, to move away from a "typically male-centered world" and rid the college of materials with a strong, male-centric, binary character.
Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church, a megachurch in Southlake, Texas, has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child, stemming from alleged incidents dating back to the 1980s, the Oklahoma attorney general's office announced Wednesday. We are aware of the actions being taken by the legal authorities in Oklahoma and are grateful for the work of the justice system in holding abusers accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for Cindy Clemishire and her family, for the members and staff of Gateway Church, and for all of those impacted by this terrible situation.