Paytm to offer Rs 50 crore cashback! Users, merchants to get guaranteed rewards on each transaction
Zee News
Paytm will also provide merchants having the most number of transactions made via its app with certificates, Soundbox and IoT devices, among other exciting prizes, in a bid to train retailers on digital financial literacy.
New Delhi: Digital payments app Paytm has set aside Rs 50 crore in the arsenal for offering guaranteed cashback on each transaction to merchants and users to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the Digital India mission. As part of the promotional campaign, users and merchants will receive rewards in the form of cashback for every digital transaction they make via the Paytm mobile app. By taking part in the offer, you can get cashback for every transaction you make by scanning the Paytm QR code. Paytm is aiming to improve the digital financial literacy among merchants and users with the Rs 50 crore promotional campaign, which will last for good six months. Besides guaranteed cashback on transactions, the digital payments giant is offering registered merchants a chance to win other exciting prices.More Related News