Parts and labour shortages blamed on COVID-19 pandemic stall LTC bus service improvements
Plans to enhance London Transit bus service next month have been delayed until next year.
Plans to enhance London Transit bus service next month have been delayed until next year.
In a new report to the London Transit Commission, administration blames a shortage of bus parts and drivers for stalling service improvements on Routes 31 and 34 until at least February 2022.
The routes link Western University to Masonville Place Shopping Mall and the Hyde Park neighbourhood.
Currently, 14 city buses are idled because pandemic-related supply chain issues have impacted parts needed to make repairs.
“The parts required are outstanding, noting in some cases, suppliers are indicating a delivery date of 16 weeks out from date of order,” reads the report.
In addition, five buses are out of service because of a North America-wide shortage of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) sensors — the delivery date is unknown.
London Transit has also learned of an impending tire shortage, “shipments will be limited until further notice.”