Paris Hilton urges Biden, lawmakers to adopt bill of rights for youth in congregate care facilities
Fox News
Paris Hilton held a press conference on Wednesday in Washington D.C., urging lawmakers to establish a bill of rights for children placed in congregate care facilities.
"For 20 years I couldn't sleep at night as memories of physical violence, feeling of loneliness, the loss of peers rushed through my mind when I shut my eyes. This was not just insomnia; it was trauma," Hilton declared.
She recalled her "introduction" to congregate care facilities began in her teenage years, when she was woken up by "two large men entering my bedroom, asking me if I wanted to go the easy way or the hard way."
"Thinking I was being kidnapped I screamed for my parents and as I was being physically dragged out of my house I saw them crying in the hallway. They didn't come to my rescue that night," Hilton said. "My parents were promised that tough love would fix me and that sending me across the country was the only way."