Parents of teens more concerned about internet addiction than drug use, study finds: 'Problematic patterns'
Fox News
More parents are concerned about internet addiction than substance addiction in teens, a new study found. Researchers share parents’ perceptions of the risks and benefits of internet use.
"Our results remind us that no conversation about the impact of internet technologies on our youth is complete without consideration of both the positive and negative impacts, and acknowledgment of how experiences may differ among families," study author Michael Milham, M.D., PhD, vice president and director of research at the Child Mind Institute in New York City, told Fox News Digital. "This awareness is likely a good thing, but more research is needed before concluding that these concerns are definitively warranted or that certain online risks outweigh others." "Parents have an incredible influence and can be in the driver’s seat when it comes to setting guidelines and educating their children on healthy internet use."
"From a public health perspective, they underscore the need for greater education and support for parents, as many have concerns and are unsure how to promote or restore healthy internet use in their young adolescents."