Parcel of land near Kingston, Ont. protected by Nature Conservancy of Canada
Global News
NCC and nature champion Monte Hummel have reached an agreement to protect the final piece of private land in a conservation network that spans over 2,000 hectares.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) on Friday announced the complete protection of ecologically sensitive lands surrounding Loon Lake, located north of Kingston, Ont.
NCC and nature champion Monte Hummel have reached an agreement to protect the final piece of private land in a conservation network that spans over 2,000 hectares.
In the past, NCC has partnered with Hummel to conserve much of Loon Lake through several conservation agreements. The latest addition consists of a 0.4-hectare space located at the east end of the lake.
“This latest conservation agreement brings to life a conservation vision decades in the making. Monte Hummel’s dedication to nature has allowed us to connect wildlife corridors and secure water sources for our communities. This is an important contribution to the conservation of the broader area northwest of Kingston,” NCC program director for eastern Ontario Rob McRae said.
NCC says it will help to ensure the area remains barrier-free for wide-ranging animals, such as black bears, fishers and otters, and that the lake is protected for migratory birds, like the common loon.
The protected area provides habitat for more than 30 species at risk, including the monarch butterfly, snapping turtle, nighthawk, whip-poor-will and five-lined skink.
Protected sites at Loon Lake link to public lands and to the even larger Depot Lakes Conservation Area.
The Loon Lake area, combined with adjacent undeveloped lands, extends eastward to the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve, which is an area of global significance.