Parag Agrawal, Fired As CEO, Is Meme Inspiration For Twitter
Social media users, especially in India, have started a massive meme fest taking pot shots at Mr Agrawal.
Billionaire Elon Musk, Tesla chief and the new owner of Twitter, in his first big move following his $44 billion acquisition of the social media giant after over six months of public drama, immediately fired the former Chief Executive Officer Parag Agrawal along with several other top leaders. Social media users, especially in India, have started a massive meme fest taking pot shots at Mr Agrawal. Doesn't matter if you are CEO of a gaint social media platform.The job security will only be in Government jobs. #ParagAgrawal#ELONMUSKpic.twitter.com/KoZXdYTb30 #ParagAgrawalWe love this video😀🤣 pic.twitter.com/kUfEWi3zqv #ParagAgrawal is back with a bang in front of Twitter HQ pic.twitter.com/U2h1ftSQqL #ELONMUSK after #TwitterTakeover and firing #ParagAgrawal , Ned Segal and Vijay Gadde 😂 pic.twitter.com/6ZRHUwjdAP It was just a meme. Ha ha ha ha.Welcome back Trump 🎉🎉. #TwitterTakeover#ELONMUSK#ParagAgrawalpic.twitter.com/FKcKlWz8G4
Manglam Tiwari, a Twitter user, took a jibe at the former Twitter chief with a meme showing popular Bollywood actor Amrish Puri saying he should start preparing for a government job.
"Doesn't matter if you are CEO of a gaint social media platform. The job security will only be in Government jobs," he wrote.