Pandemic no bar for pigeon flyers
The Hindu
There are over 250 pigeon teams in northern Kerala
A few sets of eyes follow a pigeon as it flies around the coastal village of Nainamvalappu in Kozhikode. It has flown 11 hours non-stop without a break. The owner gets to bask in pride as if his offspring has done well in a test. “This sport is only about the competitive spirit among pigeon breeders. Nothing comes off it other than the pleasure of being on top,” says Shanoob N.V., an executive member of the Calicut Pigeon Association. May-August period is when pigeon flyers across the State get themselves busy in competitions. This is the best time for pigeon flying as the atmospheric temperature is not too warm to tire the pigeons off. Though rain may slow down the birds, it does not harm them.More Related News