Pakistan’s team to miss T20 Blind World Cup as India denies visa
The Hindu
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has accused India of ‘insensitivity’
Pakistan’s team will miss the third T20 Blind World Cup Cricket Tournament as the players were denied Indian visas, The Hindu has learned. The denial of the visa has drawn a response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan which has accused India of “insensitivity”.
“As a result of the Indian decision, Pakistani players would be deprived of the opportunity to participate in an international sporting event of special significance. The sports events must not be politicised,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan adding that Islamabad had expressed “disappointment” over the issue to the Indian side.
The denial of visas has drawn a strong statement from the Pakistan Blind Cricket Council (PBCC) which said that India’s decision was based on “political grounds” saying, “this unfortunate incident has left the Pakistan blind cricket team in the lurch.”
Pakistan’s blind cricket team had been runners-up in 2012 and 2017.
“The PBCC strongly condemns this discriminating act of India as sports should be above regional politics...Our counterpart Blind Cricket Association in India pleaded [with] their government for Pakistan’s clearance but nothing was heard,” declared the PBCC which accused the Indian government of violating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.