P.E.I. RCMP still working to determine what happened in Friday's school bus crash
P.E.I. RCMP is continuing to investigate what took place in a school bus accident on Friday that resulted in the vehicle flipped on its side and children in hospital.
"It's a little scary, because I mean you're dealing with young children," said Sgt. Craig Eveleigh.
"When a bus turns over, you can just look inside, or picture inside that the children are going to fall from a seat. So it's very scary for a parent as well."
According to Eveleigh, the bus carrying 27 students from Westwood Primary School and Eliot River Elementary was travelling west on Kingston Road. It collided with an SUV driving north on Bannockburn Road around 3:45 p.m.
"We're just trying to determine what happened," he said.
"We're taking various statements from witnesses that saw the event, statements from the bus driver, statements from the person driving the white SUV."
Island EMS, North River Fire Department and police responded to the scene. Although Sgt. Craig Eveleigh said the white SUV "sustained considerable damage" the driver and its five passengers were not injured.
CBC News did learn that one child on the school bus was airlifted to Halifax and two others were treated at the QEH. All were considered stable.
"It could've been a lot worse. If anybody had have been T-boned, or if the speeds were greater, just depending on how the collision occurred," said Eveleigh.
"I'm a parent myself of two young children. I can just imagine the panic that the parents of the children on that bus are going through, not knowing if their child is one of the ones injured."
Once witness statements are reviewed, police will determine what they believe took place in Kingston on Friday afternoon.
Eveleigh said he hopes to have the investigation wrapped up sometime this week.