P.E.I. Planning Act amendments aimed at reining in development appeals
The Prince Edward Island government has published proposed amendments to the province's Planning Act, which it says will clarify the appeal process and reduce barriers to development.
"We cannot continue to let developments stall due to procedural roadblocks," Housing Minister Rob Lantz said in announcing the changes.
"If we are going to address our housing supply challenges, we need to reduce barriers to development."
Under the amended act, only an "aggrieved person" may appeal decisions of the minister. Broadly speaking, an "aggrieved person" is defined as people or organizations directly affected by the development. Under the current act, anyone can appeal.
The amendment also changes the scope for IRAC in how they conduct appeals. The current act allows the commission to determine its own procedure. The amendment would make that procedure subject to the regulations of the act.
The government is seeking comments on the proposed amendments. It is accepting written submissions until Nov 20.
An online form for written submissions is available here.